Monday, February 13, 2012

Food and Fitness

Everyday we wake up, we have choices to make about what we are going to eat. Breakfast, snacks, lunch, & dinner.  If you are trying to loose some inches it becomes overwhelming if you don't quite understand what you should or shouldn't eat. Biggest flaws in peopls nutrition is they eat to many carbs. Carbs are not bad but in their mind they think well I am eating healthy so why am I not loosing anything? You have to look at the types of carbs, are you getting healthy fats? Are you getting balance of proteins with those carbs? Are the Carbs your eating impact or not? When am I eating these types of foods? So many questions thought about but it becomes very simple the more you understand foods and what they do in your body when you eat them. After you understand that you need to understand how they are burned and if your activity level is high enough for that amount of food you consume. So for one week write what you eat down to the calorie and types and then what you did for activity that day as well and that right there is how you figure out the simple way of why you can't loose.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Women in Fitness

I started thi blog for women in fitness. Support, nutritional help, recipies, training help and emotional support. Its what we need these days because as women we can help eachother and together become more strong in so many many ways. Follow me in my posts for figuring out why we as women stress or feel we are not getting to our fitness goals as a leaner meaner mom machine.
For our topic today lets discuss food. Food evolves around us everywhere. Its when we go out with friends its when we gather with family, its at school, church functions, date night, and even work.  Its not always easy to say  "no thank you" or " I don't eat that". You feel like a food snobb! But your not. Because your health conscious is a great thing, and sets an example for others to want to be better. Our society evolves around it. We feel good when we eat, we are having fun when we are eating, it comforts us when we are sad, it smells, tastes, and fulfills some sort of need in a way that we seem to think we can't get in another way. How do we change this? I know as a women we can be emotionally tied to food when we are stressed, sad, or feel a low self esteem. Lets change it, lets  support and talk and do activities that make us want to get away from the food and become a more healthy fit person. When your sad, write in a journel, talk to a friend, go for a run, a hike or even just lay in your bed and cry. Let it all go. When we have gatherings of any sort lets try not to make it around food.  Why does food make us feel so the moment your eating it? But after you feel so guilty, as if you have done something naughty. But we do it again and before you know it you are eating to keep feeling better and are a little tighter in your jeans. We all struggle with this. Today when I feel like I am going to eat something that won't put me closer to my goals, i am going to drink a big glass of water walk around the block and take deep breaths, come back and see what I was able to release in the air.Try it.